Katharina Monka

FA00114 , photograph, 2014
FIn00511 , photograph, 2014
AOv00113, installation, 2013
In00412 installation, 2012
In00412 installation, 2012

Katharina Monka is instroduced by Rottstr5 KUNSTHALLEN.

2006 - 2014: Acadamy of Fine Arts Münster, Klasse Prof.s Maik und Dirk Löbbert, Meisterschülerin
2010 - 2011: School of Arts and Culture Newcastle

"Intangible Presence
Katharina Monka’s “works”, her materials inserted into space, do not stand out, nor do they take centre stage, and they do not fulfil the expectation that something is being exhibited. Rather, they draw back from the gaze and diffuse themselves, as it were, through the real exhibition setting. In this way, everything actually stands out, everything becomes important, ever corner, every gap, every detail. There is neither a centre to be found in the spatial, nor a closure in the temporal. Everything the gaze skims over is part of the viewer’s present in space."
Prof. Dr. Erich Franz (Arthistorian, Acadamy of Fine Arts Münster)

Prizes and Grants
2013: Cité des Arts, Paris
2012: Förderpreis der Freunde der Kunstakademie Münster
2010: Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Cusanuswerk
Solo  Exhibitions (selection)
2015: „A00115“ SØ, Copenhagen, Denmark
2014 :„A00114“ dst.galerie Münster, Germany
2013: „AOv00113“  Simmultanhalle, Cologne, GE
