Benjamin Dittrich

Index, linoleum print, 2013, Copyright Benjamin Dittrich
Tab. 7, linoleum print, 2013, Copyright Benjamin Dittrich
Komplex, linoleum print, 2015, Copyright Benjamin Dittrich
Komet, linoleum print, 2015, Copyright Benjamin Dittrich
Erde, linoleum print, 2013, Copyright Benjamin Dittrich

Benjamin Dittrich is introduced by Contemporary Pop Ups.

Born 1987 in Düsseldorf, lives and works in Leipzig.

2007: Studies of Painting and Printmaking at Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig
2010: Student of Prof. Annette Schröter and Prof. Oliver Kossack at HGB Leipzig
2012: Diploma with distinction 
2015: Meisterschüler of Prof. Annette Schröter

Inspired by scrapped, often outdated encyclopedia and popular science books of nature, Benjamin Dittrich is fascinated by the idea to show and describe the whole universe in a condensed form, filtered from the view of men on nature. He reflects the human intention to categorize, classify and catalogue, to name things and search for similarities incessantly, as an existential desire to arrange environment.
In Dittrichs work, grids, charts and tableaus detach from their context, telescope and reshape, straitened by new tiers, layered and overwritten once more. Fragments of knowledge try to combine anew, fail and finally remain as images of culture.